Come and Join An Amazing PSYCHIC ART EVENING with Anne-Marie Bond (Psychic and Spirit Artist and Medium)
PSYCHIC ART DEMONSTRATION NIGHTAn amazing demonstration night of Psychic Art and Mediumship with Spirit Portraits! A night with people from around the world also interested in getting in touch with loved ones. Witness the magic of how Anne-Marie connects to the afterlife and demonstrates the Spirit of Psychic Art with Spirit Portraiture.
First Half: Talk / Psychic Art / Audience Exercise and Demonstration Second Half: Talk / Spirit Portrait and Mediumship Demonstration You will feel the presence of Spirit as they arrive in their droves to help give everyone an electric experience they won't forget. The purpose of this event is to demonstrate the Continued Life of those in the Spirtual Dimension to prove the continuation of the Conscious mind.
Through Mental Mediumship and Spirit Art together come to take part in an evening which demonstrates the difference between Psychic Art and Spirit Portraits. No-one ever leaves empty handed!! Location: Victoria (London) Early Bird *Any Seating: £6.99: Offer closes: 31 March 2017 Normal *Any Seating price £11.99 or Front Row: £15.00 For Tickets: Complete the form below! |