Spirit Oil Painting Commissions
Spirit Oil Paintings are BIG and GORGEOUS! This bespoke painting makes an EXCELLENT GIFT for yourself or someone you know who may need a hug and upliftment! How it works! You choose one specific colour and I will select other colours to be used to mirror the auric field of the receiver of the painting. Not only are these spiritual oil paintings so extremely beautiful, exotic and spiritual, they have a very high healing metaphyshical quality to bring about comfort, well-being, balance, self-love and confidence to the recipient. Optional: You could also select to receive with your painting, a written life reading based upon all colours that were used. As a natural born psychic and having many repeat customers of the years, I know as the recipient you will be extremely happy! |
To Order A Commission
1) Select painting theme below and email me your theme
2) Decide if you want a psychic reading to accompany the painting or not.
2) Forward payment via the e-link that I'll send you
3) Wait for your painting, hang immediately on nails or frame it and enjoy it's beauty
Spirit Oil Painting Commissions
These are gorgeous!
Size: 16" by 20" bigger than A3 Style: Stretched canvas (sides unpainted)
Hang: Ready to hang on wall (on nails), or if preferred frame it. Oil: Highest grade used
P&P: Please enquire for postage and packaging.
Each painting will be created by me (Anne-Marie) from start to finish including a professionally typed reading, if chosen. Once your payment has arrived your painting will commence and takes approx. 3 days to complete, plus a further 7-10 days to dry with a coat of semi-gloss varnish. Your delivery time will begin from notification that the painting has dried and will be sent according to your choice of delivery, Standard or Special.
Refunds: Full Refunds are granted only if your request is received within 24hrs of payment. After 24hrs your painting will have begun so only a 50% refund can be given before painting is sent. However, once painting has been sent, no refunds are granted.
These are gorgeous!
Size: 16" by 20" bigger than A3 Style: Stretched canvas (sides unpainted)
Hang: Ready to hang on wall (on nails), or if preferred frame it. Oil: Highest grade used
P&P: Please enquire for postage and packaging.
Each painting will be created by me (Anne-Marie) from start to finish including a professionally typed reading, if chosen. Once your payment has arrived your painting will commence and takes approx. 3 days to complete, plus a further 7-10 days to dry with a coat of semi-gloss varnish. Your delivery time will begin from notification that the painting has dried and will be sent according to your choice of delivery, Standard or Special.
Refunds: Full Refunds are granted only if your request is received within 24hrs of payment. After 24hrs your painting will have begun so only a 50% refund can be given before painting is sent. However, once painting has been sent, no refunds are granted.
Spirit Oil Paintings for Auric Vibrational Healing: Choose one of these themes: Umbrella Lady (above)
Water Building (on the right) Spirit Fairy (surprise) Colours vary from painting to painting and although the theme remains the same, no two painting will be alike due to personal colour choices, aura vibrations and painting strokes will never be the same, this is what makes your painting UNIQUE to you. |