Spot-light Psychic Development are midyear terms that have been introduced as a doorway opening for new people to join our group as a taster of what we offer. The spotlight terms are held twice a year in Grove Park SE London with a maximum duration of 4 weeks allowing anyone new to join who may have an interest in developing their psychic abilities with other like-minded, kind, sincere, genuine and spiritual members training under the supervision of amazing professional psychics.
Lessons are taught in a structured step-by-step manner and provides students with a higher standard of teaching enabling them all to feel safer when unfolding their spiritual wings and expressing their skills without fear. Spotlight focuses on your spiritual unfoldment, personal life issues, relationships, work, finances, personal challenges and much more with a little Psychic Detective work thrown in the mix too! LOCATION: Grove Park - Ringway Centre SE12 0BD Time:19.30 - 21.00 NEW TERM: PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SPACE BY EMAILING ANNE-MARIE JOIN THE NEW SPIRITUALSTARS MAIN TERM : 26 JULY 2016 *** ALL NEW PEOPLE WELCOME *** |
Who We Are |
Spiritualstars is a development group that helps people to build a deeper connection with their inner spirit, to raise self-awareness of the spirit to bring about harmony, well-being, comfort and peace of mind to those we come into contact with each day. Learning to follow your gut, your intuition can have many beneficial outcomes in your life.
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