Demonstrator, Speaker, Artist, Medium, Course Organiser,
Business Coach, Spiritual Workshop Instructor
Please visit my other website where more interaction can be found on other services I have on offer
Demonstrator, Speaker, Artist, Medium, Course Organiser,
Business Coach, Spiritual Workshop Instructor
Please visit my other website where more interaction can be found on other services I have on offer
Welcome Friends
Welcome Friends It seems final, doesn't it, death? If our loved ones have been buried or cremated, how can Spiritualist Mediums speak to them? Our essence, which provides our individuality, is a form of energy. Energy can be viewed as electronic impulses and signals through chemical reactions, i.e. after death, it changes its shape or form, and as energy cannot die, it can only change shape. When we die, the energy that contains our life essence, our personality, and our being of God's light survive outside of the body. Someone going to the MOON will need a moon suit to stay in that environment, but when they return to their natural state of living, they remove the moon suit. When we return to our natural state, we do so without the body. As a Spirit Artist I love to draw the faces of Spirit Discarnate people who one lived on earth but transistioned to the natural realm, we call the Spirit World. As a Spiritualist Medium, I am able to commune with the loving Souls that want their loves ones to know I made it! I survived! I am O.K. I Miss You AND will Wait for You! This is the sister site to my main webpage: www.theportraitofspirit.com, hope to see you there! |